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CU.\SF. 1\Td, Major-Biology Irving Entered fr0111 Baltimore City College, Baltimore, Mo. Mnior R, O. T, C, Battalion: President Irving, r st. Term, '22: 'Preas. Lrving '20; Pres. Jesters '23: \ 'icc- "Pres. '22: Pres, Frederick County Ctub : Pres, Rifle Club; Asst. Business Manager Aloha : So- ~~~?'~~~~~~:l~~~''~~':'2f-iOl:~~ยท~:~~1~ Mention '21; Sec, Y. lVT.C. A. '22, '20; '19, Treas. 23; Class Football Prelim '22. Inrer-Ccllcgiare Contest '23; Student Government. Board '22: Honor Board: Advisory Hoard Rifle Team; Officers' Club: Choral Club '21, '22; Choir; 'Minstrels, '21 '1I1Il1I}' fine people there arc ill ,;,'orfd if .I'OIr oll/y scm/ch 'CIII dcc/, enol/gil." Hill is the son of a Presbyterian clergyman, and as a rule the sons of preachers do not 0 ften have an enviable reputation hut Ifill is just "not that kind of a hoy." In his f re,~hmall year Bill had a ~reat lik- ing for French. and being a practi- cal sort of fellow he desired 10 make lise of his learning He was not long in l1leeting Arnie. and for a lime all was well. bur later Dill had a change of Hart because he was more interested in chemistry, When in doubt as to what is going to hap- pen the Senior Cla;:s always trots over to Hill before proceeding be- cause he generally has the "inside dope," [Jill has nlways been a booster of Irving. has represented her on two occasions and given a f~)~\~;I~~~l~;~~\~f1~1~~~~z~!'1ll~:tO\~1~\~ majorship in the R, O. T. C" Bill,is the sort of fellow who believes In ~~i,~f\;~~~:~{~\'l~j~e \;/~~:ll\~!~~;',"T;~~; edition. Paee Porty-one
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