Page 180 - YB1923_Classical
P. 180
TIH: fu-st rnitest one in the march toward a greater Wester-n Milryland was rcached when, on June loth, 1922, tile new Hoffa Athlciic Field was dedicated by the produc- tion of a great pageant of The pageant was "The Sheathing of the Sword," and Il"fiss Elderdice. an alumnus of the college. It was a splcudid credit to the of tile but credit as in the press of ~Iagaline rec01lllllends it as an ideal COJll- munity pageant. In the hollow of a most beautiful nntural howl many thousands of spectntcr s. including Coven-or Ritchie and many other noted men of the COllll!y and state, i(>ok{'d down a ncvcr-ro-be-Jorrrott en spectacle. The thrilled with a of and engendered by the vivid of scenes thai of old, portrayed in a setting very similar to the ROTl1(,. One hy 011(' were pictured the victor-ies of peace that the sword would be for- the hllll1;111ity. exercises were brief. After a short speech of welcome by Dr. minds of the: onlookers were turned back a thousand years to the scenes of Rom;)" Athletics. t\ fanfare of to the lour point s of the compass j1l;raldcd the cowing- of Peace, who was by the four a"es-Al1ci('nl. Mccliaeval. Futurc. As and I'r-og res s danced over the level g-reen. a me sscn: er Hnnou!lced the coming" of i\pollo who should restor" the fomth episode was tile VIII and Francis I on the Field of the of Gold. The fifth the last grand council of the lndinn chieftains ill a beautiful dance called the "';"leeting of the \Valer~." were released which soared hcavrnward, earth. good will to men." Pnge 0,," H,,,,,Il"",t Se\·cnl)··gh
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