Page 134 - YB1923_Classical
P. 134
iReuiew of 111eseason of 1922 a chilly wind sweeping the field Western Maryland inaugurated the 1922 baseball season by defeating Briarley Hall with a score of 5-4 in a thrilling lo-inning game. Our next game \\"a_~with St. John's and here it was seen that our to hit the hall when hits meant runs was found iac1,ing. For tested we were forced to ,defeat-8-:L. We to P reared. The long was nursing a sore arm. Back at home again we were successful in a game the Westminster A. C, the score being 7-5. On Echo Field we were de- feated 4-2. But the following Wednesday we got our revenge by defeating Blue Ridge at home. Hopkins. in a hard-fought game, scored twice in the second and ninth inning, resulting in a 4-0 defeat for llle Green and Gold. Our next g'ame was with St. jehu's at Annapolis, who, minus "Dick" Porter, were severely trounced II-T. VIle came home for 0\11" last game of the season with Washingto» College. when we were defeated 8-2. Although not successful with our '22 schedule, with the addition of new material the outlook ior the Green and Gold looms bright as the '23 season ap- proaches. Baseball Scores. [922 April 14 Briarley HaJJ Western Maryland .. .\pril 22 St. John'S Western Maryland . April 28 P. M. C. . 7 Western Maryland. 13 April 29 [0 Western Marvland. .Xlay Western Maryland . :1'1
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