Page 121 - YB1923_Classical
P. 121
L L LONG, Full-back 190 Pounds 1 he biggest man on the team Lemon' as he is known,s a full-back of no mean ability He is not the fastest mall in the world, but when his 190 pounds was once headed f~)1·a line, it was almost certain tlt"t a five-yard gam could be chalked up. No maLler how many times he was called on, he always responded nobly. He was the "big gun" of the back-field. He start erl the Mt. SI. Mary's game like house afire. and was halted only by having a of ribs broken. After being on the sick list couple of weeks, he came back in the 51. John's game, and on the second play of. tl~e game carr~ed the pig skin for a 65-yard gain. Tl".s IS only his thir-d vea r, and next fall should find hml the best lme- bucker in the Slate. L. D. KINSEY, Half-back '54 Pounds H. B. DAVIS, Half-back 150 Pounds Davis came \0 western Maryland from McUon- ogh, where he was a star in Prep School circles. He has been a member of the squad for three years. Besides being a punter, Harry carries the ball lik{! a first-class half-back. His hobby is breaking up forward _passes He played this yca r's season with- out an injur-y, and toward the end of the season showed signs of becoming stronger rather than weaker. Always calm and r on servatrve, he pia,:,ed the game from a scientific standpoint. At runruug interference he couldn't be beat i'RgC One Hundred Eighteen
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