Page 12 - YB1923_Classical
P. 12
ALBERT NORMAN \\lARD, A.;'II., D.O., LL.D. University 'Ol-'O~ the choice of her presidents three men to occupy the upon his term 01 office for just a moment to our president-Dr. A graduate of Wesrera he has always been more o~olreS\~l~n~il:~l:~:.:~Y~~~r~;~~~db~\;:~~ mind is ever busy with plans dream is CI'~n now the Nor have his efforts beeu confined \0 material thillg~ alOllC. Under his administration the cur-riculum has a thorough revision. and the scholarship standard is raised. The of the school is growing by leaps and bounds a forward stride. And behind all these ad\·anc.emelll:; stands 01', Ward. Shall turu stand behind him and heartily lend our 1ic~t cfforrs to the further advance- mentof onrhelol'cd Alma :'Irater"
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