Page 108 - YB1923_Classical
P. 108
Mqr 1fiistory of tqe ([lass of 1926 • NE hundred and thirty. Yes, and everyone of us green Freshmen. Our class, we arc proud to say, is the largest one in the history of Western Maryland College. \,Ve wendel- just what we looked like when this human tide surged in from all parts of the country. Vic were all thrilled with anticipation of college life, the new friends we should make, and, most of all, perhaps, the knowledge that was stored up, just waiting to be imparted to us. When it comes to athletics, no other class in the college has furnished so many men for the Varsity football and basketball teams as has the class of twenty-six. There were five sturdy lads f rom West Virginia who made a record for themselves and their college on the gridiron. We are of our athletes and proud also of the fact that we have been a prominent in the many successes which OUI school has had. With a vim, such as we feel only the class of twenty-six call we have tried to enter whole-heartedly into the many activities of the college, one goal ever foremost in our minds-that of the ever spread of Western Maryland's glory, \Vc' feel that our members have themselves worthy of a place of recognition in the student body, for we have among us many who have been prom- inent in the various activities of the Among these is Garrett, who was selected to represent Irving in the annual debate and helped his team to win their victory. He is also picked to represent society in the oratorical contest. It would be unjust to consider this history without some recognition of our girls. Full of pep and they will everything from a football game to a riddle-de-winks tournament the Freshmen boys of next year he as lucky as we have been in having such fair classmates. Pnga One Hundred Si",
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