Page 101 - YB1923_Classical
P. 101
QJ:Q1'Ristory of tQ1' (!tluss of 1925 The year (hilt has past since our first attempt 10 wisdom in September. 1~21. has been fraug"ht with man v memorable events class soon learned it~ place in the college and was brou~ht together in unity by the Sophomores. 1-10\\'- ever. as soon as we became acclimated. WI:: to do things. Om athletics took form and we emerged from our several with the class of '24. bearintr en uur brow many of the laurels. xloreover. munv of OUf classmates felt called to scholastic attainments and before the closed we obtained Ionr our of six places 011 the society debate. both teams led by a member of the class 01 '25. OUf class also developed socially and the many parties which we had. together with the trip to Ceuysburg , furnished us with exper-iences which cannot be forgotten. A t commencement time we earned the right to scv: hy writing- anti producing a little called. "01'1.:1" the Creat Divide. This set a precedent and earned us lhe 10 go forward into the Imure as Xor all o i our class returned in 1922. lmta number are still hound to- gether under the banner of the blue and gray, new epochs in our history have been written. The Hallowe'en party was the fu-st we gave the school an enjoyable evening with the minmcnt. l tere it was that we attempted to mix up tuose long strikes. but alas! we failed "Xor words nor schemes could sever them" Our scholastic and athletic activities arc still bringing' \!.~ lnurcls. \Ve ha\'C one important event vet to record. ah ' we all remember: we never -hnll forget om fir-st appearance 0;1 Smith llall. This college is determined to make orators out of us. The ;u.:hicvements of the class ;111<1 her place in college activities have been due largely t~ the ability and foresight of our president. who has led \15 forward with ;111 unernng hand. Om hearts hal'e been (kep~r drawn together in fellowship. and Wester» xlnryland College has gained a la.'Hing place in the affections of all of us through- out the year that has Truly we can :;ay: . Our vcstcrdavs are past and art" 11011' hut flickering 1m! tIle memory 01 tho ..e cla."s will go all with 1.1" f(lrever.""
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