Page 34 - YB1922
P. 34
SOCIAl. p x n r.on The Passillg 0.1 Parter Till' onward /IIarel) of pro/(rL'Si has Iflkl'll from lIS the tIle Iwl1owl'd spot wlurf 0111' socifll ailnin waxed fllid wtll/ul; where Wi' SOIll",II.':($A·/Icw./oy and so!.'!dillw; sornau. bllt whl'l"e wt' ahuays kllf!1.v whm t/Jt' hOllr I)f St"'UNi bud flrrivtd. Sam: of tbe bll/mJ doy of "strikcs, " Wt bid tllet: fI foNd fim"ludl. 'Thol/Xh tbon (I/"I /(0111', tbJ' ;piri! lill/(en 011.
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