Page 10 - YB1922
P. 10
ALOHA WE dec.1n the sentiment that this word curries worthy of comment. It is more than just a men: word with a certain defined meaning It is a herald that calls forth the finer emotions, and that which is less dare not be associated with it. Aloha is the embodiment of those qualities which are expressed in the words affection, friend- ship, and unselfishness What could be more fittiIlI; for the title of our College Annual? What could better denote the time of lasting friendship and good fellow- ship! ls it not here that we form the sentiments that ,IIC ours through life? No word could better meet the responsibility that a book of this nature places upon its title There is another meaning that comes to us with force. Aloha denotes greeting and farewell. This number is a greeting from the class of' 22 sernng forth the various ac- tivities of College life. At the same time it is a farewell, for soon we shall leave for the gtĀ·cat School of Life where we hope to carry with us for all time the sentiments that the word ALOHA implies.
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