Page 92 - YB1916_Classical
P. 92
lIiistory of tlle (!Huss of HnB none which made us appreciate the good duys more. Aguin the Sophomore-Freshman baseball storm thanks on the lust lap of our infantile Theil our uompnnions heard Lhcc!o- They saw :111<1genius of our girls. We inaugurated plan of tunc. When we snw the Sophomore port gleaming nheud in one voice we exclaimed "Sophomores, Sophomores, '18." At last we arrived at our desired hoven. and decided iL best to sclcct o guide capable 01'dirccting us, nnd of course Loselect his assist- «nts. As nn enthusiastic "herd" with the sheep and the goals scpnrnted, we must have all emblem and colors by which to distinguish Qu,rncivcs. At this point we donned the cruel garb of war and in a football 011 the unruanagcnhlc who as n rule have not been aggressive, IUlVe horne the yoke nf Sophomore meekly, doubtless nwed by the grandeur of the class above them. Because of our prowess in hatLle we won a glorious victory over them are therefore de- stmod to go through the other half of our course without further At the Hallowe'en spree, Sophs outdid themselves in The boys, with the the ru-tlstic ideas of with lind gold streamers, autumn boughs. shocks of ",,",,,,1,1,,-1,,,,,1," grinned atrociouxly [rom half-secluded nooks. The and revealed tile secrets of the future, :11](1to each with n picture of his or her intended This was a red-letter day, fur pur poetess when she heard the whole class sing with milch vim our gay class and Bluc) La tunc of Tip-Top-Tipperary-Mary. said basketbnll? words bring back to OUI"minds visions, nol gloomy nor delusive but hrimming over wonderful records, nnd visions which 1$0truly portray the glorious season of 1\)16. First we overcame the dignified Seniors, then the "Brutes.vshow- ing Ihnt we cared neither for rank or experience. Then came our turn to meet the formid- able .Juuiors who had not yet met detent. How proudly they nuu-chcd forlh La bntllc l
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