Page 176 - YB1916_Classical
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8.-Alie~d.130~k~fh\~i:1.~1~1~~lf;~~~~~d ~;er li~~I.l~[~j~::ils ~l~l~te\I~~~t~~' "Puni's" cut ~L 9.-Eloise and Prinks do the grave digging ~c~ne in more .WHySthan one. Sam Utz en- crows Senior Hall with a handsome stained glass window in the shape of a bulle- tin board. 10.-WhitL~il~~c sse;~~~ar~~J~~n~.a1~~~n\~~eJI~?~~Oi¥lYt~~U~~~~~tes.SoIC~i~te~h~~d h,~~~~~v~n you can eat for two hils .. Morc speed, George I 11.-"Fals" rests the laws of gravity with a dish of stewed apples. A big splash and a scminite gels a much needed shower bath, hut of the wrong kind. 12.-Aloh~ Stall. hold l ndignntion Meeting and threaten violence to. the Edito,:-in-.Chicf. Much 01.1and many candles arc consumed In prep:mng mntcriul for pu hlicution. 13.-5ign5 of aprutg. Smiles on the path after the everung meal. MISS Lease visits the Poor House in search of Mrs. Punnctt/s cal but IS unsuccessful. I'I.-Senior h~sketbal.1 learn out for practice. Cnpmin Taylor and Manager Powell repor-t a good showing. George spends an evening composmg music. 15.-Spring fever breaks 0.111. May stores her winter garments. Some one chloroformed the "dorg" but failed 10 give Dr. Punnetl a shower hath. 16.-Thermometer at zero. May glaciated. Conslernation! Scruuge walks four miles 17._A!ic~0~~Jet~'lc~~il~'e~0~i~~ildHY and SI. Patrick's by proving she is not green. How? l nter-Snciet.y debate. A v<:ry importnnt parl of the orchestral toots missing. lB.-Alice and Powles have a rcconuiliat.ion. Nat nnd another lose a wife and a trombone mouth piece. It pays to advertise. Train Into and some one makes speed for parlor. 9 1 .-G a~~ie~\~ifi~~~ 1r~EI~;~itsht~~~~1\~tWeb~::C~~~h~P°l~:~::fm~~1~:lv:p\~i\1\~I~~~O~;:k.Th c 20.-Low culs or mig!lLy f.ortresses? Which shnll it be? Preps givc ''The Birth of a Nation." Quite a disllllguished audiencc but fin;rl aells presented in thc library. ~~:=~~~~~sabe~~I~.lasAd·dilf~~~\I~l~r%· of spring. Onions for lunch. "I\'lother" raided by h.ungcr slnkcrs, overcome by the fumcs for a time. 23.-Trudle redeems her zoologv books but (cars the consequences. Scnior Hall looks like a G_real 'Yhrte Way evcn at 12.30 :lnd the coHege city meler suffers. Icc-cre~llll agmn' v~illlshes from lhc girls sidc. 24.-Sam Ut.z an~ his clown have a camp firc :lIld medicine show. Appreciative audience! Selllor grrls o.llcnd the Oper~ and see ':The Deacon." 25.-Scver~1 scnlOrs give first ::tcl of "The Follres ~f 1916." The C;o-operalive L~aguc re- ceives a leUer of love. A masked man tfles lo turn lrght wto darkne~~ III p:lrlor hul only partly succecds. Tough luck for all of we regulars! 26.-Spring.agam. Drcam~ of Easter bonncts solacc thc Collcge TuiTs. A rca.lly big man visrls "Lcs". Senrors "bone" twenty-four hours for an exam wilh lime out [or meals only. 27.-Prof. Widdowson gives an old Ethics exam (?) and agonies still continue. Vincent nurses a head-ache. 28.-Big day. Dr. Lewis lale for chapel. Exams over. Most everybody h~rppy. En- rQl!menl League holds a mass meeting. Strawberry it:e crcmn, lim! ul:n! 2\J.-Senior girls arise at 6.00 A. M. and spend a fcw quiel(?) IllHlutes before lhelr mirrors i.n closc eommllnio.n wilh refractory coHar Imltons. Investiture services and still It rains .. H.alfhohday. 30.-Mi~nighl OlliS burned wl!ile Seniors study Bib. Lit. Last dass with Dr. Ward. 31.-SellIorappenranceon SmIth I-Iall. APRIL I.-Aloha goes to print mllch to rdief of aulhors and rellders of lhe calendar. Page One Hundred Si~ly
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