Page 133 - YB1916_Classical
P. 133
Tennis fit than nnv other while last season we very The games played included Georgetown Uni- versity, Catholic University, Mt. SI.. Mary's College nnu Agricultural Elderdice'17, was The This year the to support tennis, at least purt . The courts nrc being repaired and new wiro is being put up. Games have been scheduled or arc pending with Washington College, Uctt yshurg College, Mt St. College and Tome Institute, Ben- nell Elderdice these two, Although Westefll!\-iaryland. popularity. Every student should learn 10 and become proficient in this game. It he hoped lhu l. thc courls will continue to be used to their Iull as they were yenr Tennis is ;1 gume lhat can be played under nil the very best form nf exercising, and the game itself is well worth the timp-spent learning it. P(/fl'~One HUllIlred Nine/ten
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