Page 105 - YB1916_Classical
P. 105
ji{ illto!"!! of tIll' (mUllll of 1m 6--11. 1!Il. J. ~. PAl'!.'!' II l\"E murc year h;IS passed and with it nnothcr third cluss is graduuting from the old Prep School. Now it becomes nur to relate liS well as we cun the history of this illustrious class. The members of this class ticipatcd much in uthlutics on The Hill and have shown themselves 10 lhe true Western Maryland spirit in every way. First on the roll comes Lhe name of Thomas H. Coonan, commonly known as "Doc." Doc is distinguished throughout the of \Vcslminslcr as a wild animal trainer. At one lime he W~lS even known have in I'OSSCS- full of fierce grass-hoppers. 10 spite of these somewhat habits, there." ln the dietaucu we sec rolling towards us in a Ford, from .I. Fen by. \Vhen he first arrived at the Prep School, .Ionathan wns but after a few weeks course in this celebrated institution of learning he de- n ladies' mnn. We next have with us Edward T. Harrison of the old together with his brother .John plnycd on the basketball team and by his line playing. Next comes l-lurrison number two, who is, in all respects, to his brother Ed; so much so, in Iact that it was months before his class- mates were able to lell them apart. Both brothers, it is noticed, show a marked preference from their home state. of the hus horn we arc nct.ifled thal Leo Hitchcock lind his safely to luke up their daily studies. A Jew minutes later boob and lunch boxes, pass by the windows and enter the the way. Leo has for several years pitched on the Prep he u great success. Sixth on the list comus "Mnu." the prcsidunt nl shares with Fenhy the honor of heirlS the most de- Mac has shown a rcniarkublu talcntforarguingandshould,inouropin_ Next to Earl H. Middleton who hnils from lhe famous ncar thc lop of the Allegany Mountuin.~. This large. mountaineer our midst in the Fall of '14. "Middletown" was the plnyor of the Prep School baskctball tcaru. Brother Rosh, sometimes called HUI"SllS, comes over from HampsLelHI every and docs quite a business hauling people in his "jitney bus." Hursus, although small. one of our most distinguished classmates. We think thut he will turn out to he either [I geometry teacher or u prize-fighter. And lustlv is Edwin C. Wnrficld who was the muinsfuy of the noble Freshman gridiron warriors and a terror to the Sophomores. We do nol proph- esy nnrofcssor's ccc uput.ion for "Pcrcy.cj r." but wernlherlhink heisseekinga higher position. ;1I1dthat is Lobe assi~tanLto the heud baker of W. M. C. This is his one ambition nnd the clnss of '16 lI'ish him the most of success in his work. -Tilt;: j·I!STOIlIAt-.:". P{/yeNillel!J-lhr~e
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