Page 47 - YB1910_Classical
P. 47
FLORENCE EL1S£ ISllAEL. Baltimore, Md. Historical-Pedagogy-BlocuMon "If I forget thee, 0 Israel, let my right hand forget her cunning." B. L. S.; President 13rownillg; Winning Browning Contestant, '08, '09. "Elise" is the only representative of the Hebrew race in the class. She has a accent in her voice which she uses to great ad- vantage on all She sleeps all during study hour and sits up at night until 12 o'clock reading novels. Her chief pleasure is telling about swell balls she has attended in Baltimore. She is the only song- stress in the class. Sweeps her room about once a term and supplies Senior Hall with jelly and preserves. Her strong point is asking the Profs puzzling questions in class, such as "What is 11 grain elevator?" and "What is your opinion on the subject of Realism?" 43
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