Page 40 - YB1910_Classical
P. 40
THOMAS SHEPHERD ENGLAfI, . .Medford, Md. Historical-Elocution "He druweth out tile thread of his verbosity filler uhan the staple of his argument." J L. S.; Mnnngor Basketball, '10; Class Treasurer; Vice-President Irving, '00; ClaslI Chnirmnn, 'Ofi-'07: As~t. Business Mnnngcr Monthly, '00; Business Munnger ALOUA; Toustmaeter Junior I3anquet,'O!) , "Tom" matriculated at ,V. M. C. in the fall of 1903, and since that with slighL interruptions, has been a loyal member of OUI" class. He the holder of two enviable college records-the long-distance sleeping and the largest number of demerits in one month. He was also the baritone of the famous(?) Soph quartette and the ever willing instigator of the latest opera songs for whose miraculous imitations the music- loving student-body had to sulfur in silence. Tom has recognized mana- gerial ability and goes into business schemes red-hot, even grumbles when his chocolate is below 212°. His head is full of big ideas, but his hearers never understand them for he expresses them ill words bigger than the idea. 36
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