Page 32 - YB1910_Classical
P. 32
The-Class of 1910 entered Western Maryland College in the fall of 1906 as the largest class, up to that time, that had ever entered college. Sinceour matriculation there have been a few additions, many subtractions and no divisions, until now we are graduating with twenty-eight. We have now reached our maturity in college life and will herein chronicle a fewof the happenings that have made our collegedays eventful. Our first roll-callwas answered by twenty-one graduates from the Prep School and forty-four new students. Our Freshman year was one of careful tutelage under the direction of the Upper-Classmen. Hazing thrived. In this year we laid the foundation for future success. Dr. Lewiswas away and we got our start under circumstances that bred in us a spirit of independence that the Doctor has tried in vain to eradicate during the last three years. We had more fun per capita than any preceding or following class has ever had. But the pace was too strong for some as the nurn~er of expulsions and suspensions will attest. The class was a unit From the first day it arrived on CollegeHill. In athletics we made good. Mack and Whealton made the Varsity football team Smith the baseball, and Eklerdice, Gill, Moore, and wheelton the track teams. In basketball we secured second place with a team composed of Captain Mack, Elderdioe,Latimer, Gill, and Roberts. We closed the year with the best display of fireworksthat had been seen here up to that time and the Ciceronian Oration by Smith. The elocution contestants were Gerringer, Lewis, and Smith; 28
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