Page 26 - YB1910_Classical
P. 26
The Westminster Theological Seminary had its beginning in a resolution adopted by the Maryland Annual Conference of thclHcthodistProtestantChurch in March, 1881. A committee consisting of Dr. J. T. Murr, Rev. P. 'L. Wilson, and Dr. Charles Billingslea was appointed to perfect some plan whereby theology might be taught to the students of western Maryland College, who were preparing for the ministry. Finding that it was impracticable to establish such a department in the college it was decided to purchase a lot and erect buildings for a theological school. Dr. T. H. Lewis was elected principal and SOon he began to raise the funds necessary to erect and equip the buildings necessary for such an institution. In 1881 the institution was incorporated under the name of The Westminster Theo- logical Seminary of the Methodist Protestant Church. Rev. T. H. Lewis served as president until 1886, when Rev. J. T. Ward was elected as his successor. Soon afLer the death of Dr. Ward in 1896, Rev. I:I. L. Elc!erdice D.D. was elected president and still holds this position. Under the administration of Dr, Elderdice many improvements have been made, the COurse of study has been lengthened, and the Institution now compares favorably with the theologi- cal schools of other denominations. The attendance has grown steadily from year to year and ill the school year of 1909-1910 the maximum of forty students was reached. Most of these enter the Methodist Protestant conferences but other denominations have come- to be represented largely. Tile school is known and recognised all over the country as is shown by the large matrieuin- tion from States far from Maryland. 22
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