Page 158 - YB1910_Classical
P. 158
]. G. C. "HIlt (hnt. I 'lill forbidden To r would IWITQwlIlJ In the-year lS!)4 u few girls who wanted to start something worth while founded the known Oil College Hill 11.1; .J. G. C. In regard the Senior girls 4l'C always DIH'S except the Juniors whom the Seniors condescend to let into for the purpose of its perpetuation. It. is The bell has rung, the Sophs aud Freshmen como t.rooping into the dining-room looking as if they had not a care in wor-ld. The Doau waits patiently for the appearance of his special proteges, the Senior lind Junior girls whom he loves to watch as they arc so close to him in the dining-room and he is directly between them and those lords of creation known as "The Boys." At last a pale and sickly looking Junior enters; she doesn't know what for, certainly not to eat, for such a thing would be impossible. Following her urc others luckiug about the same, now and then, however, we see one trying to put on an air of bravado, but finally subsiding into the dismal gloominess of her class-mutes. Last but not least by any means the haughty and unmerciful Seniors slip into the dining-room when the meal is half over, paying no attention to the pleading looks of t.he .J uniors. But what is the meaning of all phenomenon? Simply this-six of the Juniors were given due notification that they had been chosen to share secrets of J. G. C. The day passes. Tho victims try to study, to recite, to smile, to play tennis, but nothing is possible except thoughts of what is to come. It is ten-thirty p.m. The lights are out and the college is in darkness. Al the foot of the steps leading up to the sky parlor wherein is the den of J. G. C. arc those weeping ones kept company by their less fortunate class-mates. In deep sepulchral tones a name is called, and the owner bids farewell to those around her and tearfully makes her way through the "Egyptian darkness up the winding stair to the door-c-thut awful door! She knocks. The door opens. Only the shriek of agony is heard by those left below. The clank of chains, the shrieks of pain and cries for mercy, and then is heard the deep-toned voice reading the rules. Finally the last one is summoned from the arms of her loving friends to pass through the ordeals of .J. G. C. Soon after this may be seen the transformed beings sitting round a table, enjoy- ing life and thanking their stars that they have been through the mysteries of J. G. C. 154
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