Page 141 - YB1910_Classical
P. 141
The Teams Senior-COVER, TIPTON, forwards: GILL, center; 'VHEAI!I'ON (c), WILEY, guards. Sophomore-BIRDSALL, ROBERTS (c), forwards: SPRAGUE, center; THOMAS, DEVILBISS, guard. Junior-cGraaovs, SrnPLEY, forwards; TWIGG, center; STUl,1'Z (c), Sl'IlOOT, guards. Fresbmeu-c-Bownna, RIGGIN, forwards; COOPER, center; HILL (c), WEAVER, guards. Prep. School-BROWN, TURNEll. (c), forwards; Pnros, center; DUKES, PERKINS, guards. Individual Records Highest number of field goale=Tuouas, 3]; BmosALL, 22; ROBERTS, 15. Highestnumberoffou!goals-Cu,L,230utof27;Bo\VEHS,230utof40jTuRNER, 15 out of 27. Highest number fouls called-on SPRAGUE, 171; WEAVER, 12!; TWIGG,l1. The Deciding Carnes 191£,189, 182 1910,22 20 19118,361911,11 Wm;ALTDN 0-5 \\'HgALTON 1-1 Roneu-cs 2--0 STUlIl'Z WII.EY 0-3 Birdsall WII.t;\" 0-1 Shn-unv UIIWSALL 4--0 SMOO'I' GIlA. 4-3 2--2 TWIGG SI'llAGUE 5-0 TWIGG COV~;ll 2-{) 3-3 S'!'UVI'Z D.I!lYILlllSS 0-2 SHIPLEY 'j'IP'rON 2-3 THO.\IAS 1--0 SMOO'!' THOMAS 5-1 GIBBONS Fouls 2-----6Fouls 1 Fouls 8-(j Fouls Fouls 4 Fouls 5 T. S. ENGJ,AR, lItJ"anager 137
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