Page 129 - YB1910_Classical
P. 129
-I'he season of 1909 was the most successful that any Western Maryland team has had in recent years. The schedule played was harder than ever before and harder than that of any other college in the state. St. John's and Maryland Agricultural were rated several classes below us even by their own followers. Mercersburg and Mt. Washington were defeated for the first time in the history of the The Score of 47 against Mt. St. Mary's was the largest ever made by a 'Western Maryland team. The team the strongest and most, versatile offensive machine that We~l'n Maryland has produced; while in defense the team was the equal of any previous one. Football spirit ran •. ./"l4ghcr throughout the whole school than in former years. . Altogether the season was Most of the credit must be given to Coach Cottrell. He is a hard worker and a good coach. fortunate in having his services. Captain Gill was an able leader and inspired his men with the true fighting spirit. Smith arranged a good schedule and looked well after the team's comfort. The team was never outclassed, but one team scored more touchdowns than we did, and none more than one more touchdown. foul' as many points as our opponents, and got the ball inside our opponent's twenty-yard line only twice without pushing it over. This inability to score when within striking distance has been the greatest weakness of former Western Maryland teams. The prospects for next season arc even brighter, since but, two mgulars are lost by graduation. Coach Cottrell is expected to return and Captain Twigg' 11 is an experienced man for leader. The schedule for 1910 follows: Sept. J7. 24 28. . away Oct. .vaway ..away home 1.5. 22. away 29 .. home Nov. 5 .. .away 12. home 19 home 125
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