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recruits. After campaigning in the fields of the classics, of literature, and of science, we emerged into that stage of half developed manhood called Sophomore. Here we first began to feel our importance, and first tried to peer above the fogs and mists that clouded the eyes of our wisdom in Freshman days. Slowly and surely we forged onward and upward, tfll we emerged from this embryonic stage of manhood and stood in the arena of culture, ful1ytrained, thorough- ly developed gladiators, and ready to encounter the toils of junior conflict. May we ever continue our upward pro- gress and begin our senior year with the prestige and ability of real seniors. As we glance backward over our shoulder and view the road over which we traveled, when we see the many trials and triumphs, the many ridiculous and almost incredulous things that we have done, when we look forward to the coming trials that will meet us, we cannot but realize that we are reaching that time of school life when we must turn our sad, lingering glances to these old towers and say farewell. But in this year we must strive to merit the name of jolly juniors, jolly and glad because we are yet the boys and are one year away from the trials of dignity which must be donned by a senior. So in closing our pages for another year, we hope to carry with us the best wishes of everyone, and when we again climb these hills as seniors, may we have the hearty co-operation and good fellowshlp of every student at W. M. C. 95
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