Page 79 - YB1904
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He has taken the position left vacant by the removal of his uncle, the former President, to a larger Seminary. Although he is the youngest man by far, who has ever been President he makes one of the best that has ever filled the place. Several of the teachers are much older than he is, yet they all respect him; the Seminary is very pros- perous and has a larger enrollment than ever before. Doctor Elderdice graduated from the Seminary in J906, several years later he received his degree from his Alma Mater, by submitting a most valuable book concerning Theology. After having preached for several years, last year he was elected to his present position; and if he is permitted to keep it on account of satisfactory work; he will occupy the same position at the time of his death!' After having read of Mr. Elderdice's noble work, I remembered that there were several in the class who had thought of being ministers. Had they all carried out their original intention. The roll showed that they have, it tells next of Mr. Hoffman: "You will find the Rev. William L. Hoffman speaking in the Annual Conference of Maryland. The church papers have announced, and all of the ministers have told their congregations before conference that the question of Dancing and Card Playing would be brought up as soon as the Session began and that the movement would be led by Mr. Hoffman; as he was the principal agitator of the movement against these worldly amusements. It seemed that most of the younger ministers were in favor of permitting the amusements. After all had spoken and the ques- tion had been argued several days, the promoter of the movement spoke and gave such a stirring address and showed so plainly the reasons against it, that when the vote was cast, it was unanimous to forbid dancing and card-playing among church members. "The third of those in your class that intended to study for the ministry, you will hear of as a missionary in China. Mr. Fleagle had an appointment in a Maryland Church for several years. His church was in the country,and was very small when he first was appointed to it, but he worked very faithfully and soon had built a new, larger church and his congregation increased rapidly, all the time that he was working for his church, he was also preparing himself for work in the foreign field and waited until the summons should come from the board for him to leave home. After several years the summons came, and he said goodbye to America. Today you may see him in China teach- ing in one of the Mission Houses. His work here is very slow, but soon his success will be greater than it was in America. He will in time return to his old home on account of his health; but as soon as his health permits he will again take up his work in the foreign field!' 75
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