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and experience to all the young men. At 5.30 the joint meeting of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. is held. After supper, at 7.J5 service is held in Baker Chapel to which attendance is required. In addition to these provisions for the moral culture of the student, the Y. M. C. A. holds weekly prayer meetings, in its nicely furnished hall, which are helpful and inspiring. A system of Bible study is carried on by the Association, which every student may profit by if he wishes, as well as a mission study class held once a week. So the spiritual developement of the student is by no means neglected among th epsresing duties of college life. Such, Oh reader is the life of a Western Maryland College student, such the routine of the college year. But the crowning point of all, the high water mark of college experience, is Commencement. With its exhibitions, its exciting contests of brain and muscle, its delightful satisfaction of work done, and above all its culmination in the securing of the prize for which four years of time and labor have been expended, truly commencement day is the greatest day of all for student, for teacher and for the "stranger that is within our gates." Then you behold Western Mary- land in all her glory, and then may be seen the evidences of the steady, faithful work done throughout the year. And now space forbids us to dwell any longer upon this pleasant theme. We can only say in conclusion to those who read this sketch "come and see" and we are confident that when you have done this you will exclaim in delight "behold the half hath not been told." If you wish a quiet, refined, and elevating atmosphere of intellect and learn- ing, coupled with spirituality, Western Maryland is such a place. If you are seeking a place where physical, mental and moral training are all cared for with thoroughness and exactness, where all phases of life are at the maximum of developement and where all tends toward the making of the well rounded character, come to the cool and refreshing summits of Carroll's lofty plain and enter there the hall of knowledge nestled down among the hills, with glittering, gleaming spires pointing heavenward, which men call Western Maryland College. 2~
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