Page 177 - YB1904
P. 177
S stands for Shammy whose angelic smile Is put on at meal time in sweet little style That's so very touching to all who can see How Shammy at once goes way up in the tree. S used again is for Simpson, a man Who plays as divinely ( ? ?) as anyone can. As banker and broker he's lately appeared By J. Pierpont Morgan he's already feared. W's for White who's our Eastern "Sho'" man He "puts it around" her whenever he can. Oh, My! but we kid him and don't he get sorel And finally swears that he'll do it no more. W this time is standing for Whipp Whose chief char'cterfsttc's a thick upper lip. He's very oblingtng, but sometimes contrary And then we conclude he's been jiltd by Mary. GIRLS. B is for Bennett, a beautiful maid, To look at a boy she can never be paid? ? A queen of true love and a goddess withal, She's ever so fair and she's ever so tall. C is for Chiswell, our quiet recluse Who never a soul has been known to abuse. She's always refused to smile at the boys, Her time and her talents she better employs. C used again is the letter for Clark Though pensive at times, she is gay as a lark. She's never been known to make other than tens, And much of her time at her studies she spends. !73
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