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Webster Literary Society. ~ OCIETIES, like men, live most truly in the lives of those whom they have influenced. They bear their richest fruits in after years. When the student has gone forth from his college home and begun his battle with the world, then it is-and not till then-that every faculty of mind, soul, and body is put to the all revealing test in the school of competition; and this is the time when he rejoices in opportunities em- braced or mourns his wasted hours of golden promise. For the college man there are few privileges of more value than that of being an earnest, active member of a first class literary society. To this privilege we respect- fully invite your attention and assure you that while on College Hill you will meet no warmer welcome than that extended to you by the Webster Literary Society. "Ad Huc.Vtvo" has been Webster's motto for 33 years and it has the same meaning today that it had in J871. We believe that without activity there is no life. Our society still lives that she may be useful and only lives because she is useful. Useful in giving confidence to the bashful youth; useful in imparting eloquence to stammering tongues, useful in moulding thoughtful, vigorous, minds; she seeks to win the timid mind to self confidence and effort that she may fit it for its part upon the stage of life. Are you a worker? She offers you opportunities to build a monument for yourself in helping to complete her plans of hall improvement. Are you a debater? Here you can try your powers against the best debaters on College Hi11. Are you an orator? She offers every inducement and opportunity for you to develop that talent and to prepare yourself to honor yourself and to prove yourself an honor to her by successfully representing your society in the inter- society contest. These opportunities are freely offered. Will you enbrace them? J35
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