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Young Women's Christian Association. OFFICERS. Grace Thomas President. Nellie Sellman Vice-President. Mayfield Wright Recording Secretary. Corresponding Secretary. Sallie Sheridan Treasurer. Nellie Sellman Organist. HISTORY. HEN we leave our homes with all their sweet influences, and enter the doors of Western Maryland College for the first time, one of our strongest impressions is that made by the meetings of the Young Women's Christian Association. . These meetings occur on Wednesday evening, immediately after dinner, and are conducted by some one of the girls or teachers. During the past year the Christian Endeavor topics have been followed and the attendance at the meetings has been good. The first week in November was set apart as the week of praver. Delightful and helpful meetings were held, night and morning, and the spiritual life of the girls was much deepened and strengthened by them. In connection with the Christian Association work, we have commenced this year, Bible Study and Mission study classes under the direction of Miss Schcle. The girls seem much interested in both these interesting studies. l22
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