Page 110 - YB1904
P. 110
Our relations toward the other classes have been quite satisfactory. The Freshmen have always been of an humble disposition-perhaps the tribe enjoys a mild climate. As the Juniors have proven themselves great arbitra- tors, therefore war to them is a thing of the past. A skirmishing battle was fought with the Class of 1904. But they dreading our power and we in turn respecting their dignity, agreed to a treaty of peace. Time has taken us to the second milestone of our college career. The achievements of our Sophomore year may never be recorded in the pages of history; still the many happy moments spent while in the Sophomore Class of 1906 can never be erased from the mind of any member. And now leaving the pleasures of the past and looking forward to those things which are before, we cannot express ourselves otherwise than to say we anticipate making our Junior year a jewel with which to decorate the crown of Senior dignity. Historian. 1906 Class Yell. Tinkety, tockety, tackety, tix, Zallie hi, Zallie yi, Zallie ki, ztx, Zwanztgste, Jahrhundert wir sind six. Aliorum Classium we are rex Semper excelsior, nostra lex Ad annum mille nongenti sex! TJfJ.U( TOll IJI a« pOTaTOIi . TIJ (it;; ATIIJTOIi i'JIWKTOOIi Western Maryland, Western Maryland, Roomta nix. Hurrah for the Sophomores, 1906• .06
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