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Nothing was said about a wedding of any kind, but I felt sure one so popular would not be allowed to go to her grave in single blessedness. I said goodbye to her and continued on my way to college, 9. Where, on Friday afternoon, Faculty meeting was going on. Was I actually going in to see this august body's proceedings? This was indeed a privilege granted to few, except 011 rare occasions, when those invited, I fear, would rather be excused; but I was allowed-well, only because it was a dream, you know. And 1 did see and hear wonderful things. Was this the way they brought up each student's name and thoroughly pulled it to pieces, discussing each act? How many times this girl had smiled at that boy; how many times that girl had behaved disgracefully and in a manner unbecoming a lady, do- ing such horrible things as speaking at table above a whisper, where, as a matter of fact, a Stream could scarcely be heard above the din, literally, of battle, the contestants being the hungry mortals and the tough beef-steak. AncIoh, sael, sad story! the steak scarcely ever left the table without triumphantly carrying the banner all which was written "Conqueror." But I was drifting off-to return to the Fac- ulty, to those administering law and justice. Professor .MeDanielseemed to be chiefjustice;, then, was Dr. Lewis? I was not answered; but lew of the old faces greeted me. I looked for lTIyfavoritef P] Dr. Bonnotte, where was he? There was Dr. Bonnotte, they said; but my! how young andgood-looking he had gotten! Ah! the truth at last dawned upon me, my classmate, Fernand Bonnette, was where his father bad been when I was there as a student-Professor of Modern Languages. I was informed by some one that he had, from a graduate of W. M. C., become a graduate of J. H. U., and was now doing fine work at his old Alma Mater. 10. I then stopped to have a good look at the lady teachers; all were strange except one face which seemed known to me. Just then Prof. McDaniel called on Miss Marian Handy to give her report of the girls. Well of all things, to think Marian should be preceptress. She had grown into a sweet little woman, but, knowing her as a girl at school to have been the same, it was not a wonder. She arose and her accounts of her girls were so mild that 1wondered if she were making it light for them, or whether they were really so good. The latter I found to be the ease, for, as Faculty broke up at this point, I fol- lowed her out and spoke to her. She said that after graduation she had taught school for a while, but - - 84
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