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Among his business connections may be mentioned the following firms of which he is one of the lead- ing directors: The Merchant's Grocery Company, of Westminster, Maryland: The Westminster Hat Company; The Wakefield Mil!s anel Lime Company, of Carrol! County,Marylandj The Baltimore Fer- tilizer Company, Baltimore, Maryland, and The Shaffer Boiler and Engine Manufacturing Company, of Delaware. Yet, with all his extra duties, he has remained a lawyer imprimis. He is at present Referee in Bankruptcy in The United States District Court for the District of Maryland for Carrol! County, But the phase of Mr. Grimes's life which has made him au object of the highest esteem in the eyes of the Class of 1903, and has endeared him to e\'ery student and friend of Western Maryland College, is his fidelity to this, his first and dearest Alma Mater. TIehas already been President of the Alumni Association, and is likely to be prominent in the man, ngement of the college in the future. Meanwhile, he is never too busy to lend a helping hand to any of the Associations on "the hill; ,. and his many acts of kindness have earned for him the heart-felt gratitude of the student body. His substantial aiel to the foot ball team during the last season has given to athletics at this college a stimulus which will remain powerful for years to come, Accordingly, it is with feelings of the most profound pleasure that we have dedicated this volume to ML Grimes; may his bread not be cast upon the waters in vain, but may it return to him after a few clays followed by many in which to enjoy it, and may his Alma Mater be blessed with many SOl1S as faithful.
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