Page 159 - YB1903
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In that year QUI' teams won the toot ball, base ball and basket ball championships; then, ill the Fresh- man, the foot ball and basket ball championships; in the Sophomore year, the foot ball and base ball, and since then have won everything in the class athletic line except the basket ball championship in 1902, which WHS won by the Seniors of that year by the close score of 4 to 3. The Indoor Contests of 1902 were especially interesting, and we won them easily. Mr..T. Scott Hur- ley, '03, won the all-round individual championship, closely pushed by Mr. Fernaud Bounotte of the same class. The Outdoor Contests were just as easily wall. The Individual Outdoor Contest did not take place last year, but it would surely have been won by a member of our- class. As a rule, the Senior class of the college drops out of athletics, but in this we have again been nu ex- ception, much to the gratification of our Physical Director. who has since said that he always knew where to find the best men when they were needed. There were no contests in foot ball. In basket ball the regular ser-ies of class games was played and we were invariably victorious. The Sophomores beat us in a practice game, and they were sure of win. ning the final gamc, but alas! their hopes were dashed; they were aspiring a little too high, for we beat them by 11\,(' field goals. We again won the indoor championship of 1903 by a margin or over a thousand points. Mr. Eel. ward E. Tan won the all-round individual medal, and ag;ain :'-'11".Bouno t tc came second. ludividuafly Mr. IV. P. Roberts is the best all-round gymnast in the college, nnd he has been on every team of the college for the last five years. Mr. Davis is the champion club swinger of the college. Here we will close, nIHI those who would know 1110re of the best class of athletes that have ever issued from the halls of Western Maryland College can enter the gymnasium there and read the story 011 the many shields that we have won and hung upon the walls, to keep before the eyes of those who are to follow us the inspiration of OUI' glorious example. 149 -
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