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knew how they had won, for we had outclassed them at nearly every point, Western Maryland has need to be proud of her team, and as only one 01' two of the men, who were on the team, will not return there arc prospects for even a better team next year. On account of the meritorious work of the team during the season, Hon. E. Oliver Grimes presented them with new suits. He has our most sincere thanks for his kindness. The winter sports, basket hall, indoor base ball, and indoor athletics were very interesting, The Athletic Association offers a shield to winning class, both in basket ball and in the indoor athletics, and a gold medal to the individual who makes the greatest number of points in the Indoor Meets. All the classes were invited to enter and all entered except the Juniors. The Seniors won both the shields.and Mr. Edward E. Tarr, '03, won the gold medal, searing 1,005 points. The Sophomores were a close second in the Basket Ball Contest and the Freshmen came second in the the Indoor Meets. Mr. E, A. Davis was elected manager for the basket ball games and admission was charged. The as- sociation needs to thank him for his efficient work; he vvas able to present to it quite a handsome sum. The track was put into excellent shape early in the spring, and the boys have been making good use of it. The track team 'will go to Philadelphia on April 27th to compete in the Annual University at Pennsylvania Relay Carnival. On May 23d the association will hold a Track Meet, under the manage- ment ot Professor Holton, and we hope to carry off a goodly share of the boners. Captain Tru-r is doing his best to make a winning team. So far, much interest has been displayed in the Base Ball Department, The college has bought a part of Geiman's field and a new diamond will be made. This will make a great improvement. as the old one is in a terrible condition. The team has not been selected as yet, but we know we will also do our best to make a winning team for Western Maryland this ye~lJ". Most of the old men are back and some of the new men are showing up well. Mr. Hancock has been elected manager and has scheduled fourteen games. Tennis has been gaining quite a hold among the boys and the courts are nearly always occupied. MI'. Hoblitzell has been elected manager. The Fall of Rome was reproduced this year, and was a great financial help to the association. Prof. Holton deserves much thanks for his untiring work in making it a success, - - 143 - -
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