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"farewell." " " ~ doses the portion o~ our ALOHA which is devoted to the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Three. l_ ..L.L:I~lerest of our book IS devoted to the affairs of QUI" college as a whole. The final hour has come when we, as a class, must bid farewell forever to our college, our fellow-students, and OUI" friends. We leave many of our efforts exemplified in our ALOHA, which we bequeath as a monument erected in honor of, and which we sincerely hope will ever serve to keepthc memories of Nineteen T-I undred and Three green in the heru-ts of her Friends. It is the last work of tbe class as a united organization. Vlfe are hereafter to face the world with its cares and anxieties, not as a class, but as individuals; the collegeyells and songs which so often resounded from hnl l to hall and which ever found a sweet retreat ill our joyful hearts must now be considered as pleasures never to be repeated, yet never to be forgotten. Those pleasant moments spent upon 0111' fields of sport, in onr society halls, and while in the class room holding communion with those whom we reverence [IS o nr faithful instructors are now to remain but moments of tender reminiscence. We lay aside our books, we vacate the places so long reserved for us; From our care-worn brows we remove the cap and hang it together with the gown upon the hook in the wardrobe. But even though we are 110 longer able to maintain our position as a class, and even though we have vacated the halls wherein our voices resounded for four happy- years, yet we trust that we will not soon be forgotten and that our lives unci deeds both as individuals and as a class may long serve to command honor and respect for the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Three, We have Iived our college life, our work is ended; and [IS the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Three. we bid our last and most solemn farewell tn 0111' friends, our tellow-studcnts. and our Alma Mater- Farewell to each and to all. - - 98 - -
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