Page 219 - YB1902
P. 219
Hdieu! 't:his bock we send upon its way «lith many hopes and fears, Its mission to cauee laughter, 'Co furnish joy fer tears. End if upon life's w¢at'y road Some pilgrim stops to rcer, Hnd from these humble pages find solace in a jest; «1c'lI feel repaid fer all out' toil, TOt' WC'N a mct't'y crew: «Ie lew to help a fellow "'Caltcan optitl1istie vtew. «lith a cheerful soul within us «Ie face the erceme of life, «lith a calm and steady couraqc TOt' the tbtcheet of the srrtfe. find '\W: hope when evening ccmetb, When the weerern sun low dips; "'Co meet the last grim jVIonstct' «lith a smite upon out' lips. 197
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