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an unusual amount of work, and, since he succeeded so well in the face of great difficulties, we thank him all the more. ,JJt ~'I- ,JJt At Western Maryland College the athletic spirit and ability is not re- strictcd to the boys, ;J,S the following report will convince you. It should be remembered, however, that the two departments are entirely unassociated in this field. Greater interest has been taken by the girls in athletics this year than ever before in the history of the college. Early in the year first and second basket ball teams were organized by each of the four classes and great in- terest was manifested in the class games for the championship. The excite- ment culminated in the final game between the Seniors and Juniors, which resulted in favor of the "naughty-twos." These ga111eswere always wit- nessed by an enthusiastic audience of gir-ls,and from the amount of rooting done, if one had not kno vvn the strict regulation of the Faculty on this sub- ject, one might have thought the boys were present in large numbers. Al, though basket ball is the chief feature of the gir-ls' athletics, it is by no means the only feature. Very good gymnasium work was done during the winter, the girls' love for the work being accentuated by the liberal amount of demerits given for all absence. The work most enjoyed, perhaps, was Indian Clubs The Juniors and Seniors gave evidence of their skill in this branch on April 10th when the), swung them on the stage. If rumor is cor- rect, gymnastics will receive a decided impetus during the coming year. With a new, fully-equipped Gvm., the wade promises to be both marc agree- able and 1110rebeneficial. 1'1ยท3
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