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L:be ,,£oung Women's Cbrietian Heecctaticn. "" " ~UR Y. W. C. A. is one of the most powerful agents for good in the ~ College. It tends to have all uplifting influence over all the girls, to bring them nearer to God. The girls have entire charge of the Association, and different leaders arc chosen for each meeting. In the beginning of'the Collegeycar the new girls as soon as they arrive arc met by a committee ancl are helped to feel less lonely. They arc asked to join the Association and to attend the weekly prayer meetings. These meetings in themselves are great instruments for good; they bring the girls together and spread among them the spirit of earnestness and the desire for better things. ] 11 the week of special prayer held in the winter the meetings, both morning and evening, were attended by a very great many of the girls, and a wonderful revival sprang up among them, Many declared their wish to lead betterlives, to be better Christians. The work of the Association this year has been so good that its memo bel's are encouraged to endeavor to send a delegate to the convention to be held at Lake George during the coming summer. This plan was suggested ancl very much aided by the visit of Miss Soper from the Woman's College, Baltimore, and Miss Carswell fr0111Johns Hopkins Hospital. These young ladies have themselves been delegates to convent.ioris, and could tell us a greHt deal about them, They also told us many interesting things about missionary work, and their visit has been of great benefit to the girls. Indeed, the work this year, though not particularly remarkable, has been very encouraging, and shows that a great many more girls are taking an interest in the Association, The good effects should uot be allowed to be wasted, but the interest should be kept up, and the work car-r-ied011 even more successfully next year, 123
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