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Subscriptions tanen for 1i)IIH\'!.Weeki);! IIlIb .molltb(~ papers ano ~ngIl3ille;; J. Frank Long No.32 '\Vest Main St. Westminster, Md. :n3oohs, iro~s, Stationer~ jfancr eoooe, !plush (1;00b5, iroilet Sets, ano !picture jframes ruabe to @rbcr W. SCOTT ZEPP Drugsand Che~%:I:~~:CyTa:d ToiletArticles PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY College Headquarters for Soda Water, Milk Shake and Ice Cream Soda. Zepp's Cough Syrup is unequalled for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Brauchites, etc. H you suffer with rongh skin caused by chaps, or otherwise, use Zepp's Royal Cream. None Better. 2S cents everywhere. OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 9 A. M., 12 to 2 and 7 to 8 P. M.• DR. CHAS. R. FOUTZ ~~gular' Practitioner ... EYE, NOSE, AND THROAT-SPECIALTIES 148 West Main St., Westminster, Md. SI1lit11a ReifsQyder [umb~r, £Qaland Slat~ Sasb !Doors, 1l3linbs ano
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