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preface. T is finished! What a sigh of sweet relief escapes us as we realixe that at last we have accomplished a task which has occupied the greater part of our time for the last few mouths. Oh, those precious hours that have been consumed in the flames of the midnight oil, as time and again we have worked until our fingers refused to hold the pen, and our weary heads have drooped over the unfinished and those wike fantastic dreams that followed-but now il is and we realize that our midnight oil was not spent in vain, for before us we in tangible form the results of those long weary hours of toil-the 1901 ALOHA. We have tried to present in the present volume every phase of the student life at college, both serious and humorous, as it appears to us. We ask our critics to be lenient in their criticisms upon our first attempt in pub- lishing such a book. \Ve realize only too well its imperfections. H you will take the book in the spirit in which it has been we will promise not to inflict another one on you. If anything has been about you, friend, which doesn't exactly please you, remember that you are probably giving pleasure to others, and so be content. We assure you that no harm was meant to \Ve to acknowledge publicly the kind assistance given us in pre- paring part of the literary matter by Professors Black and McDaniel, and to thank 1\'11'.N. 1. Gorsuch for his ready assistance in the business department. 'Ve would also express our gratitude to our artists-Misses Day and Hunter, and Messrs. Caton and Martland=-for their co-operation in the work; and to all who have in any way contributed to preparation of the book we feel grateful. And now with these few words of introduction we leave the book in your hands. --+ 13 -s-,
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