Page 153 - YB1901
P. 153
Lbc Lrach Lcarn. in the past of Western College athletics has so much to track and work as has the one just past. Under a director whose strong point was this class of work, and with an enthusiastic and ambitious band of students behind him. Our track work has advanced and now we boast of a track whose accuracy in construction and in equipment cannot be ex- celled, we think, anywhere in the State. The track, built through the energetic efforts of the students, Prof. Holton, and the financial aid so kindly given by our business friends of Westrninster, fills a fitting- place and supplies a much felt want. OUf runners, hitherto compelled to resort to any field or track available, have now a good one of their own. This advantage and thorough told in favor of our men in the Hopkins rneet in Baltimore in March, nlso in the great inter-collegiate meet held at Franklin Field, Philndelphia, on April 27th, under the allspices of the University of Pennsylvania. In the former contest Western Mar-yland obtained medals for the relay race, and in the latter we came out third in the relay, out the teams of St. j ohn's Collcjre and of the University of Maryland past successes for this season entitle us to hopes and expecta- tions for the future which we never dared to raise before. And our track work shall go on improving and shall hold a leading place in winning fresh laurels for our Alma Mater. -+ 133 +-
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