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pbilomatbean Society. rBl HE young former members of the Browning 12, 1882, by.thirteen ,.vas founded] anuary Philomathean Society It is the Society. say, that may It is the we believe youngest, most progressive society yet on College Hill. we Philo.ts truthfully to which she always motto, live up, is ., Vestigia nulla retrorsum:" "No retracing of footsteps." We aim to improve our society more and more each year, realiz.iug that we cannot stand we must either advance or retrograde. In the year now we ha vc made greater progress than ever before. \Ve increased numbers and excellence. This year twenty-one new names were enrolled, raising our membership to sixty-six. Our debates have been unusually spirited and interesting, and n number of new features have been introduced in our programmes, Besides the debates music takes a prominent place on all our programmes. As yet we have no piano in our Society Hall, and so we have to confine ourselves to vocal music, accompanied by guitar or mandolin. Owing- to the great increase in our this year our old hall became too small to accommodate the society, we were compelled to have a new one. Through the zealous work of the members and the kind assistance of our old members this new hall has been fitted up and furnished, and Philo. has now as handsome a meeting place as anv society on College Hill. This year the society gave, jointly with the Browning Society, an opera, the Mikado, the proceeds of which were used by the two societies to help cover the expense of the new halls. Philo. invited the Faculty and the members of the Browning Society to the opening meeting in the new hall, and a programme was there rendered differing little in character from those which we have at our regular Friday afternoon meetings. As a rule, besides our Anniversary Entertainments, we come before the public but once a year, this is at the oratorical contest which is held be- tween the Philomathean and Browning Societies during Commencement week for the trophy presented by Professor Newell in :1888. Eight times out of thirteen Philomathean contestants have been successful in carrying off the star. We subscribe each year to a number of the best magazines, and hope in the near future to much enlarge our library. "No retracing of footsteps" for Philo. Vve strive ever upward, and may the olive wreath of glory ever crown her efforts in the future as in the past, and may she ever continue to hold an important place in the intellectual life of Western Maryland College. --+ 123-)-
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