Page 118 - YB1901
P. 118
Of the Paris Exposition you have all heard tell, Of the many Exposition goers-Oh! so swell ! And maybe-but I doubt it-of om Profs. as well, Who " punched" and "pushed" the cattle, as their purses did-compel. There was Rilly and old Jobby and Roger Revelle, For Ite meant to go but couldn't, as the case befell. So Billy, the doctor, and the hulls all in one cell, Now set alit for Paris-it seemed to them for-1 Billy wore blue goggles-which he says he ne'er will sell- Just to help his eyesigid-I'm afraid he cannot spell ! The truth to tell at all times my conscience does compell ; It wasto hide his face, friends, for Billy is a swell.' And so they went to Paris, where Jobby used to dwell, And saw tbe Exposition; were they sporty.1' Well, I'd yell.' No louger now blill-pllslu:rs, with the cattle all pell-mell, They were " Exposition Goers from America "-so swell ! J wonder if they're satisfied-I wonder if they'd tell All the little things which on the trip befell. \VeIl, they wellt to Paris, with the cattle in their cell, And now are back at home again, andfClst getting welll --I- £06 +-
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