Page 91 - YB1900
P. 91
Eltrnspecti\1e. The world is full of sin and And Christian nations, to shame. are rife for couqnest and unholy gain, \\'ar's sting nnd bitter pain. Base avarice. like a pall, ill thick'nillg folds, Euthrnlls OUr minds in ignorancegros5 and holds Them fast like Ietters ou the limbs of slaves. III fares the man whose sense of freedom bra\"es The mandates of the ujcrchaur king or trust, Or scorns the politician's sway, howe'er uujust Aud were it IIOt that higher laws exist, Or that the souls of sinning men persist In tnrning to diviner light. we'd throw Our armor down and yield unto the foe. i)rospectl\1e. Acrossotlr fllturehangs a veil Which hides our destiny from sight, And tho' we grope in darkness on We know that lienor will prevail And that the wrong 1llust yield to right, That suushine conies when clouds are gone, That if we conquer in our might the gain will all be ours. Then hail the future promise Take up the sword of right and Let not your powers waste away Engulfed ill gloom of darkest night, While yet the fiery blood of youth Is eOllrsillg hotly for the fray; lhlt let us lip, and ill the fight, engage with all onr powers! -1ยท81-1-
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