Page 51 - YB1900
P. 51
LUTHER PAUl, 1'I111.r.I'R. Westminsterv Md. HARRY HEf'FNER PRICE, Reading. pn. "1 will "pe,,1, tho' Hell itself "ho.dd gnp", 1<1ilirl m" hold m}' ]knee" of Monthly, '99; Class C. 1\.; Del. to Northfield Con., '99; Del. to Tri-State Con., '99, '00; Pres. L L. S. ,\ man of boundless knowledge and in- fonnntion-is indeed a veritable "Em- porium of Ulliven;a\ Knowledge." Has met every great man in the world-c-Mc- Kinley's dummy included. Is a great debate". and is so fond of argument that he scarcely ever eats anything thnt ngrees with him. As a tamer of fractious steeds he is unexcelled, anci on graduation he expecl" to get a position as chief "brol1c110bu.ster ' in Ruffalo Bill's Wild \Vest show. Has a laugh Oll him that would set a uycua into convulsions, and as a vocalist he reminds one of an angry hUll. He is a side partner of "Strap," in that he uses Hall's Hairiue for development of his moustache. -+ 41-1-
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