Page 40 - YB1900
P. 40
Stocnton :JLtterar~ Societ~. " " " EMORABLE is the year 1883 to all those who arc in- M terested in Westminister Theological Seminary, for in that year was organized the Stockton Literary So- ciety. After years of profitable work, the society was dis- banded, but it was only the setting of the star which was destined to rise again in the fall of 1898, when old Stockton was reorganized with all of its former glory. Now was begun the most successful of any period in its history. Prom the beginning it has been the earnest en- deavor of the society to make each member feel that he is a distinctive part of that body, and that on him lies the responsibility of making the society a success. We are glad to say that our men have responded nobly. To this we attribute our success. Our work has been along those lines which will best en- able us t o perform our life-work-the most sublime of all callings-the up-building of the kingdom of God. That society training is valuable will not be disputed by anyone. \Ve are sure many men who have been successful in life, whether at the bar, in the halls of legislature, or in the pulpit, look back upon the society hall as the place where they first felt the inspiration that lifted them to higher things. Another year has come to a dose, and it is with regret we think of leaving those of our number who no marc will be seen among us. But they 'will not forget the many profit- able hours spent within the walls of our beloved society. In the great reunion above we trust that we shall find that the influence sent forth from our society has "told on ages; told for God."
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