Page 31 - YB1900
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estant Church had secured a charter in 1864* empowering them to found a college, and, through the influence of Dr. Ward, they came to the rescue of the "Western Maryland College just as Mr. Buell was about to fail. Dr. Ward was chosen president of the infant college in 1867, and his r-ipe scholarship and rare charm of manner won friends on every side. He was aile of the purest and most sanctified Chris- tian characters "wehave ever known, and the fragrance of his life pervaded the atmosphere in which he moved. Such was the spirit in the man that College Hill became 110tonly a centre ofleaming, but of a far-reaching and powerful relig. ions influence. The dominant force of the college was Chr-is, tian character. Young 111cnand W0111encame here to find their whole lifeenergies swung into the channel of Christian activity. Dr. Ward was a staunch Methodist Protestant, but not bigoted or sectarian, and people of all denomina. 'tious sought the advantages of the college. Indeed, the charter of this college (March 30, 1868) specifies that uo discrimination is to be made against any religious faith. "Whilefostered under the free and democratic principles of Methodist Protestantism no denominari on has been es- eluded from the faculty or student body. The state, in COIl- sider-ation of this fact, has adopted this college into its eclucationat system. In 1870 the Carroll County Academy appropriation WAS granted to the college, and the county scholars sent here. In 1878 a larger appropriation was granted, and a state scholar from each senatorial district allotted, while in 1898 the Legislature, with but one dis- senting vote, doubled the appropriation to the college. All of the money appropriated is applied to the maintenance and education of the students sent by the state, and not to the private use ofthe institution. 'In 1863ReI', l.""rel1co Webster 1l(\'C~,D. D.. "ud Rev, FrlJl1ci. W"te"". D, D" dmf'ed tl,c ell"""r for" cotlfcrcnce college. "ud I!. P. 10r<1'-'1> batt tile hill p""",,d 'hrouj(h the 1""'1:,';
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