Page 206 - YB1900
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the Duke wanted to make; and, finally, Gen. Eagan closed the speech-making of the evening by stating to the assembly his grievances against Sir William for introducing into the House Boat commissary a special brand of prepared bullneck which, for toughness and non-edibility, put his own prepa- ration of Hispano-American war fame entirely in the shade. After Gen. Eagan's speech, on motion by Dcmosrhcues, a committee, consisting of Judge Blackstone, Julius Crcsar, Hannibal, Napoleon anel Socrates, was appointed for the purpose of devising a scheme by means of which these usurpers could be got rid of, either by law or by force,which schemethey are to report at a meeting of the shades to be held to-morrow night. The meeting then adjourned to meet again on the morrow. Everybody around the House Boat is on the qui vive ancIit is hard to predict exactly what de- velopments the next few days will bring forth. A full report of the adjourned meeting of the shades will be found in to- morrow's" Truth." --1-182-1-
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