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KATRINA REPRr..r.'l.NDS QUEEN ELiZAIlE'fH FOI~ S:\IIUNG. TROUBLES ON THE HOUSE BOAT. New Arrivals Usurp Authority-Rumors of Widespread Mutiny-The Next Few Days May Bring Out Wonderful Developments. HOUSE BOAT, May 3, 2986, A. D.-For several weeks past the affairs of the House Boat have been in a state of con- fusion. Everything is turned topsy-turvy, and the inmates are nearly all on the point of mutiny. The facts in the case as collected by the "Truth's" reporter are as follows : Scv- end weeks ago there appeared for admittance to the society of "Associated Shades" four new shades. T'beyga ve their names and earthly residences as follows: Thomas Hamilton, -e- 176 -1-
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