Page 140 - YB1900
P. 140
~bilomatbean $ociet\,,!. .. .. .. N January 12, 1882, a society was founded by thirteen O young ladies who had been members of the Browning Society. This society was named Philomathcan, the name signifying" fond of learning." The qualities of enthu- siasm and perseverance have always been seen in the mem- bers of Philo., and improvements are made every year by honest labor on their part, until we firmly believe that Philo., will continue increasing both in members and strength, and although she may be called the youngest society in college we affirm that she will ever be loyal to her motto, "Vestigia nulla rctrorsum." Every year many of the new students join our ranks. This year sixteen of the new girls joined Philo., increasing its membership to fifty- one. Every meeting is accompanied by an interesting as well as profitable program. One of the most interesting features which take place at our meetings is a debate, which is gener- ally discussed very fully by many of the members. This year we have subscribed to several of the best maga- zines, and in this '\vay we keep in touch with the latest topics of the day. Besides our anniversary, we appear in public only once a year, that is at the oratorical contest held between the young ladies' societies during commencement week for the trophy presented by Professor Newell in1888. Seven times out of twelve Pilomathean's contestants have been successful in capturing this trophy. The past year has been a very pleasant and profitable one. Under the inspiring influence of the success which attended our contestants last June, we entered upon the year's work 'with the characteristic zeal and earnestness of all loyal Philos., and now, at the close of the year, we feel gratified to know that our efforts have not been in vain. -f-120+-
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