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itbe !poling \Momen's cbnsnan Bssociation. ... ... ... NE of the great influencesat western Maryland College O is the Y. W. C. A. 1t holds those girls who have had Christian influence at home nearer to Christ. The girls who have never observed Christian laws are led to seek the Lord. At first, the girls seem to feel some timidity in taking active part in the weekly meetings that we hold. This year we have noticed that they are gradually wearing this off, so that now our services are not formal meetings but heart to heart talks from which we all get comfort. The new girls at once feelat home, and through the influenceof the Y. W. C. A. we are kept closer to Christ, in whose foot-steps we are trying to walk. Our meetings are always well attended. The early ser- vices during the week of pra:_rerwere especially sources of blessing to us. The leaders make the programs most interesting. The hymns are sung with such spirit and enthusiasm that they make us feel that all are striving to reach the same goal~ the New Jerusalem-but that in this effort we are not alone. The effect of the Y. W. C. A. is not felt only in our meet- ings, but in our college life as well. As the days roll on and as we become interested in our work, if we are not careful, we will, in a measure, forget the cause of Christ and his ex- ample unless under some Christian influence. This influence is felt, as our Y. W. C. A. girls are always on the watch to give a helping hand and to aid 11S in doing right. Although we cannot see all the progress we had hoped to have this year, we are buoyed up with the hope of greater progress in the coming years, ancl with the help of God we will be earnest workers in His cause. -1- 116 +-
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