Page 124 - YB1900
P. 124
Op~l1 conflict. They thought they would frighten us when tltey said, "YQu'llnot get those pants unless you take them from our dead bodies." We wondered what we should do; but soon our schemers were at wor-k to get a plan to foil the "Sophs" and rob them of their clothes. The plan was suc- cessfully carried out 011 October 24, 1899. While a crowd was out on the athletic fieldenjoying a game of foot ball, a few Freshmen were trying to get a trunk carried up on Junior Hall. Not being equal to the task, they asked "Barney" if he wonld assist them. The promise of an apple was a great incentive, and he vcry kindly helped them. While he was aiding the 'v trnnk-car-ricr" other boys were searching trunks as last as they could, "and what to the~r wondering eyes should appear" but the pantaloons? They were carr-ied away as swiftly as possible, and when "Barney" appeared again all that he saw was a quar-tet of boys heeling it over the campus. As has been shown, we were successful in getting the pantaloons, and in a manncr very creditable to our class. How sick the" Sophs ' vverc, and how they did stare, 1'01· they knew too well they would never see those pantaloons again until the)' were in flames. On March 3, 1900, the boys were successful in getting a vest from the treasurer of the Sophomore Class. The girls also succeeded in getting a hat from their prophetess. The girls of 1903 have bad a hat of the latter since the day of the election of their officers; but like energetic persons, they were not satisfied with it, and 011 this auspicious clay they very politely relieved the young lady of this incumbrance. On the evening of t.hisjeventful day the" Sophs" Llndertook to make a raid on Freshmen Hall. Although the attack was rather unexpected, 1903 was undismayed and bravely withstood the attack, which was made by twenty-four Sophomores against fourteen Freshmen, who were not only inferior in numbers but also ill weight. Four rushes were -:-108 ·1-
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