Page 103 - YB1900
P. 103
1bfstot:~of the (tlass of 1901.ยท EPTEMBER, 1899, found the Class of 1901 again in S the classic halls of Western Maryland, somewhat de- pleted in numbers but ready to begin the third year of its career with the same spirit which has always.cbaracte-. izcd it. We could but feel regret that some who had been so pleasantly associated with us for two years were now miss. ing. But happy in tile thought of our reunion, we entered upon the duties of the year with a zeal which has penetrated the hidden intricacies of the mind, delved into the mysteries of nature, and solved the perplexing political problems of the day. '0le have maintained our reputation as a studious class, for there exists ill the class a determination to master each lesson as well as possible. With such a spirit in our work our progress has been onward and upward into the realms of knowledge where reason rules prejudice. Although we have worked diligently, yet our work has been tempered by recreation. We have passed the age of the infantile sports of the Sophomore and Freshman, but we have always been willing to undertake anything which will promise genuine amusement. 'With this end in view we pur- chased a barrel of cider with which we soothed our over- worked nerves. \.ye well remember the night when, behind a barricade of trunks, we watched the futile attempts of a professor to scale the heights. One of the most noticeable events of the year was the ex-
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